Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Math Time

 We've been working hard to learn the second grade math routine in Room 9!!! We've been practicing writing numbers the correct way (no backwards Bob's!).  We've looked at repeating  patterns and talked about recognizing different coins. We worked hard today! Check out our hard work!

noticing number patterns in groups of 10

counting by one's making sure all of our numbers are facing the correct way

 recognizing and counting coins

playing a game with odd and even numbers

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Our First Celebration

We have had so much fun learning the routines and expectations of Room 9!! Everyone has been safe, kind, and they've all worked so hard!  To celebrate our first full Champ Band bin, the class voted on a pajama day!!  It was a great way to end our first 5 day week!!